FAQ – Rehabilitation


Rehabilitation is the end of the sequestration process whereby your sequestration period ends which effectively means that you are once again solvent and can effectively participate in the economy. It enables a person who has been sequestrated to make a fresh start, free from pre-sequestration debts. An Insolvent can Rehabilitate by way of a High Court application. You do not have to appear in person in Court.

Application can be made after 6 months of date of the Sequestration Order on condition that certain criteria are met, alternatively 4 Years after Sequestration Order. If an Insolvent do not apply during the first 10 Years, then he/she/they would be deemed to be Rehabilitated legally after 10 years.

Upon rehabilitation all judgements and negative reflections on your credit profile will be removed and no record shall exist of any of these, if these were incurred before your sequestration.