How Your Company Can Benefit by Enlisting Corporate Restructuring Specialists

Corporate Restructuring

In the vast and dynamic world of corporate business, companies may experience various financial challenges that necessitate expert intervention and support. The corporate restructuring service at Francois Uys Incorporated Attorneys is a mitigation tool that allows us to help organisations manage their financial woes and become financially healthier. If your business needs corporate restructuring, our dedicated team is available to offer you the support you need to emerge stronger and more financially secure.

Corporate restructuring includes many elements, such as managing debts, modifying operational procedures, and changing internal structures. When you choose to partner with our experienced team, we will contribute a wealth of knowledge as well as a diverse range of in-house expertise, including insolvency law, company law, and asset protection. Read on to learn more about how the process works.

Corporate Restructuring at Francois Uys Inc. Attorneys

As a leading legal firm for businesses and individuals across the South African corporate landscape, we understand the complexity of corporate restructuring. As such, we offer a wide range of services and tried-and-tested solutions to support companies in getting back on track and becoming financially viable again. Our expertise and services include:

  1. Expert financial and legal advice: We will thoroughly analyse your business’s current financial position and identify the root issues that have caused any financial distress. To do this, we will analyse its cash flow, financial statements, debts, redundant processes, and other factors identified to be causing financial harm to the business.
  2. Creating bespoke turnaround plans: Once we understand your unique position and the specific elements that are causing financial damage to your company, we will create a specialised action plan that addresses these core issues and problems. Our number one goal with the plan is to ease financial despair, stabilise the business, and create a healthy environment in which it can grow successfully.
  3. Debt management and negotiation: If the company is in debt, our expert corporate restructuring service will help you to effectively manage it. This is a critical step if the company is to regain financial health and will enable us to negotiate with creditors, restructure any debt agreements so that they are viable, extend payment times, where possible, negotiate interest rates, and in certain unique instances achieve debt forgiveness.
  4. Operational restructuring processes: Operational restructuring is another important element in the process. This step involves a range of interventions and may include revamping certain technologies or automating relevant elements of the business, streamlining supply chain management processes, and successfully adjusting the organisation’s structure to generate more revenue and achieve greater cost savings.
  5. Liquidation and insolvency support: In certain situations, corporate restructuring is not a viable option. If we determine this to be the case, we can support your business through all of the legal steps of liquidation, helping you to achieve the best possible outcome for all stakeholders, including employees and creditors.

We offer a comprehensive range of restructuring services, including:

  • Debt restructuring and rescheduling (creditor-led and debtor-led)
  • Liquidation support and strategies
  • Formal restructuring procedures, including

–        Schemes of compromise

–        Schemes of arrangement and debt

  • Business rescue services
  • Investigation, insolvency litigation, and asset tracing

Successful Corporate Restructuring Awaits Your Company

If you are ready to mitigate potential financial risks and emerge stronger, healthier, and more financially secure, get in touch with our attorneys and see what we can do for you. We will provide you with a zero-obligation quote, and if we feel restructuring will help your organisation overcome any financial obstacles and thrive, we will recommend an action plan that delivers tangible results.